Terna Energy Solutions / Power Quality improvement
Power Quality improvement

Terna Energy Solutions supplied and installed three reactive energy compensation systems at three of the Acciaierie Venete Group’s industrial plants

Customer: Acciaierie Venete
Solution: High Voltage
Realized by:
Terna Energy Solutions Group

Terna Energy Solutions (TES) is the industrial partner that the Acciaierie Venete Group – an Italian leader in steel production – selected for improvement of its Power Quality. TES supported the customer right from the start, with a neutral approach in terms of technology, for identification of the most effective solutions to improve reactive energy compensation at the Padua, Sarezzo (Brescia) and Borgo Valsugana (Trento) sites, taking into account technical system constraints. Subsequently, TES implemented the solution identified during the planning phase, installing three STATCOM systems at the production sites. As a whole, the project enabled Acciaierie Venete to meet its own Power Quality requirements, with dynamic compensation of reactive power, whilst also meeting the regulatory requirements of the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA).