Terna Energy Solutions / A STATCOM installed to improve power quality
A STATCOM installed to improve power quality

Terna Energy Solutions supplied Ferriera Valsabbia with a dynamic reactive energy compensation system at its Odolo industrial plant

Customer: Ferriera Valsabbia SpA
Solution: High Voltage
Realized by:
Terna Energy Solutions Group

Ferriera Valsabbia, a diversified Italian industrial group with years of experience in steel processing, appointed Terna Energy Solutions (TES) for power quality support in order to improve the quality of the energy fed into and drawn from the grid. The proposed engineering solution was identified by TES with a tailor-made approach starting from the customer’s specific requirements in terms of energy and the layout of the production site in order to optimise the installation area. TES subsequently installed the turn-key transformerless STATCOM compensation system at the main production site in Odolo (Brescia). The activities to define the engineering solution and subsequent installation of the STATCOM were conducted by TES using a neutral approach in terms of technology, placing the customer’s needs at the centre of the proposal.